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2015.9.29 On September 29th, Iptalent COO LI Chen was retained as intellectual property consult... 详细
Iptalent is recognized as “Service organization with excellence” for consecutive three years 详细
The president of Iptalent Leo LI gave speech regarding big-data analysis on the event of the Day of Big-Data in Z-Park. 详细
The president of Iptalent Leo LI gave speech on the intellectual property contest of Chinese escalator industry 详细
2015.10.30 On October 30th,the first intellectual property alliance of automotive industry was ... 详细
Z-park launched “the platform of entrepreneurship and innovation”,Iptalent was issued the certified plate of “the data analysis platform of global technology innovation” 详细
Mr. XUE Liang from Iptalent attended live program of the New China News Agency as guest speaker 详细